Ethereal Solutions

Creating Portals

for you to other dimensions of magical experience and expansion, through the refinement of energy.

Hi, I’m Arielle Ela·Ra. I am a writer, channel and artistic mystic, and the creator of Lioness Energetics vibrational essences.

newest solution

Dragon Code Essence

Heart Flame Alchemy

Let’s Get



Essence Misters

Pure essential oils + vibrational essences in structured healing water.

Flower Essences

Flower & Light solutions created in harmony with the Nature Realms.

Emanation Essences

Essence transmissions from sacred places and sacred beings.

Alchemical Ingredients

Only the purest for a light being like you.

  • The water I use in my essences and misters is "structured," meaning it has been naturally purified and enlivened by a process that mimics the organic curves and vortices found in nature (such as streams and rivers). Also referred to as energized or hexagonal water, structured water is simply water returned to its Divine natural state, at its most energetically coherent, life-giving, bio-available and hydrating. Structured water is an especially ideal carrier for essences as it is vibrationally clean and neutral. It is perfectly organized at an energetic and molecular level to entrain to and amplify the frequency of an essence, and to amplify our greatest potential.

  • I preserve my essences with certified organic Ocean Vodka (25% vodka to 75% structured water). Distilled from sugar cane, Ocean Vodka is naturally gluten-free, and also bears the distinction of being the only vodka in the world made with deep ocean mineral water. The family-owned business on the Hawaiian island of Maui practices sustainability in every step of the manufacturing process- from powering operations with solar panels to using recylced glass in their bottles. They also support numerous ocean-conservation efforts.

    Learn more at

  • For my misters I use the purest steam-distilled or cold-pressed essential oils available, organic whenever possible and sustainably produced. The inherent vibration of the oil (where and how it was sourced and produced) are just as important to me as its aromatherapeutic benefits. It all contributes to the overall frequency of my alchemical misters.