The Alchemist Mister



Transmute & Transform.

The more we transform ourselves and our lives, the more the world is transformed.

This essence blend is a loving collaboration with St. Germain, Master Alchemist and Chohan of the Violet Ray of Transmutation. It contains his codes and his blessing, and a transmission of love that is personalized and unique to each individual who receives it. His intention is that your inner alchemization/return to the complete Love that you are be easy. He reads the keys of your heart and knows your perfect formula. (Read his message below.)


Embodied alchemy, in conscious communion with the I Am Presence, and in full receptivity of the Light of the Soul and the Violet Flame it contains; empowered, sovereign, possessing a clarity of vision and understanding that allows for deep transformation and clearing of all not in alignment with the truth of God’s perfection; a chalice, alight with Violet Fire and Divine Love.


desire to shift, heal or transform a situation, area of life, or within the self; readiness to embrace the tools and powers available as Divine birthright.

Bottle size:

2 oz. glass bottle w/ atomizer.

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Alchemical essence blend (see below), Structured Healing Water, pure essential oils of organic Clary Sage, organic Thyme Linalool, organic Sweet Orange, and organic Vetiver, Light & Love.

How to Use

Mist your chakras, aura or environment as desired. For more guidance and ideas see FAQ.


A message from Master Saint Germain

Chohan of the Violet Flame

“Do not forget this most sacred gift/tool you have been given by a Divine Source that loves you and made you with its essence and powers: the Violet Ray of Transmutation. The ability to instantly shift and transform energy… to raise yourselves, others, the planet, the Universe, higher. The ability to elevate any situation. The ability to take leadership of any situation, to claim your power within it, your power to change it, to transform it into a butterfly. Don’t forget you can always give yourselves wings.

You are never a victim. You are an alchemist, experimenting with different kinds of matter and vibration in the lab of your human experience. At any time, through your Divine free will, you can add another ingredient- your sovereignty, leadership and power of transformation, your ability to create change, utilizing the Violet Flame if you choose- and turn it into LOVE, the gold of the heart.

You are an alchemist of the heart. I love you and I am with you.”


‘The Alchemist’ Formula


    Seed of the Heart; activation, illumination, extrasensory development, galactic library.

Star Flower and Gemstone Essences…


    Cosmic dancer of the sacred rhythm; flowing through life with grace, finding and trusting the steps of our unique soul dance, moving in harmony with self, Universe, life, others.

  • LUPINE (Violet Flame)

    Transmutation and purification of negative thoughts, beliefs, habits and energies; St. Germain.

  • ORCHID XYLOBIUM (Freedom/Libertad)

    Multi-dimensional alignment; freedom and truth on all levels, be a beacon of spiritual coherence and integrity.

  • PINK LOTUS (Initiation of the Heartlight)

    Ignited heart flame; accessing the Divine through the heart gate, embodying exponentially higher levels of the I Am Presence; softening and spiritualizing effect, bathing the body and emotions in love.

  • PURPLE SAGE (Inner Guru)

    The sage within; meeting life and oneself with wisdom and equanimity.

  • WHITE SAGE (Let The Light In)

    Spiritual scrub bubbles; goes into the deepest recesses, clearing any density or entity not in alignment with love.


    Master Healer; purifies, illuminates, repairs; amplifies and conducts beneficial energy to areas needed most; Christ Consciousness.


    Violet Ray embodiment; steadfast and comforting, meditation, healing, protection, spiritual and personal metamorphosis; crown chakra.


    Heartfelt truth; cool, calm and articulate; stone of emotional release, Divine feminine, thymus chakra.


    Clarity, vitality and positivity on all levels; resonates with richness and resilience (made from ethical, exquisite quality, high vibrational diamonds showing the full rainbow spectrum).


    Jewel of the Heart; Divine healer, amplifies regenerative energy within the body through the heart chakra; Green Ray.


    Exalted Crown; activating both the crown chakra and the Crown of Sovereignty, alchemizing and elevating consciousness, supportive in receiving, integrating and understanding large amounts of input while protecting from interference.

  • RUBY

    Heart of the Divine Mother; sensual pleasures, life force energy, heart, blood, circulation, metabolism; root chakra.


    Illuminating every fiber of being; follow the golden strands to the light of truth; higher mind, cellular healing, auric integrity, lightening up to joy.


    Light Body, Merkaba. Harmonizing, unifying, merging; aligning multiple aspects. Duality as illusion, Oneness as ultimate reality- the peaceful integration of both, all. The realization it’s all the same. Divine Masculine/Feminine, Earth/Heaven, Light/Shadow, Body/Spirit. Transcendent.

The Alchemist Essence
The Alchemist Set