Wings of Trust Essence



Unexpected Flight & Accepting New Ways.


Sweetly and compassionately held aloft on currents of trust and faith, surrender to a higher power, ability to adapt to and integrate new circumstances and information with grace; seeing the bigger picture, knowing you are not alone.


sudden or big changes, unexpected new paradigm, the end of a life or way of being; resistance or difficulty accepting occurrences, disillusionment.

Bottle size:

1 oz. glass dosage bottle w/ dropper.

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Alchemical essence blend (see below), Structured Healing Water, Ocean organic vodka, Light & Love.

How to Use

A few drops in mouth, under tongue or in water as often as desired. For more guidance and ideas see FAQ.


More about Wings of Trust Essence

Gentle yet profound. We live in times of great change and transformation, where humanity's spiritual evolution and awakening may feel at times paradoxically like the end of the world. Many are experiencing endings, on a small or immense scale, on both a personal and collective level. This formula can assist with integrating these changes, and holding space for our healing process, raising our frequency into a field of allowance where our coping mechanisms are strengthened by awareness of and trust in a greater reality. It is based on a blend I made for my family in the aftermath of my brother's sudden passing just before Christmas 2012, and can offer support during the grieving process, promote enhanced ability to adapt, and strengthen one's connection to spiritual energies and support (including connection with departed loved ones).

In addition to flower and gemstone essences, this elixir contains Monarch Butterfly Medicine, which was transmitted to me by a monarch butterfly that flew into my workplace within an hour of finding out that my soul partner's 94-year old grandmother (our dear "Oma") had passed away. The butterfly brought a message of love and 'all is well' from Oma's spirit, and allowed me to carry him outside but didn't fly away immediately, remaining on my finger and broadcasting for several minutes. I immediately went home and formulated this Wings of Trust essence blend, imbued with butterfly blessings and light-hearted soul communication.


‘Wings of Trust’ Formula

Star Flower and Gemstone Essences…

  • ASTER (Adaptability)
    Self-awareness; life reassessment, remembering spiritual blueprint, finding direction.

  • FORGET-ME-NOT (Endearing Remembrance)
    Enduring love, connection; soul-to-soul communication, resolution, understanding that crosses worlds and lifetimes.

  • ORCHID EPIDENDRUM F. GUILLEMI (Zeal Point Magenta Chakra)
    Initiation; accepting the next evolutionary spiral, harmonizing mind and emotions, receiving and communicating higher guidance.

  • ORCHID ERYTHRODES (Awakened Thymus)
    High Heart; receptivity, ability to filter and convert incoming energies; addresses thymus, immune system.

    Uplifting and ethereal; expands one into higher octaves of experience and awareness, gently washes heart and lungs of held emotions, grief.

  • ORCHID SOBRALIA SETIGERA (Gold+Silver/White Chakra)
    Acceptance of all that is; tranquility, peace, mercy, Christ consciousness; addresses subtle energy bodies.

  • OREGANO (Let Go and Trust)
    Sweet release; letting go of attachments to certain outcomes, circumstances, identities; allowing space.

    Stabilizing; grounding, integrating changes at comfortable rate, mitigates and smooths, clean and neutral anchor point.

Divine Mother's Milk Essence
Body Tonic Essence
Womb Balm Essence
Golden Reality Essence
Peaceful Presence Essence