Pan's Garden Essence



Aligning with True Nature.


Resonating with Mother Earth; green, growing, quenching, soothing, revitalizing, grounding, heart-centered, sensory, wonder-filled, free; Elemental Light Realms, nature devas, plant spirits… come out and play!


excessive mental energy, technology, screen time; city living, cabin fever, urban environments, lack of natural light; boredom, depression, distraction, stress, tension, feeling of sensory overload or dullness.

Ascension Indications:

This blend can be helpful during and after big energy waves by staying synced with Earth’s frequency as she assimilates and grounds the new energy.

Bottle size:

1 oz. glass dosage bottle w/ dropper.

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Alchemical essence blend (see below), Structured Healing Water, Ocean organic vodka, Light & Love.

How to Use

A few drops in mouth, under tongue or in water as often as desired. For more guidance and ideas see FAQ.


More about Pan’s Garden Essence

Pan’s Garden is a call to return to the wild, to enter the sacred grove of Mother Nature- and your true nature, both of which are alive in your own heart, waiting for you under the flowering arbor of awareness. It beckons you to connect with the heartbeat of Gaia and to partake in her nectar, to laugh along with the chuckles of the streams, the birds, the squirrels, the faeries, regardless of where you are (or which four walls you’ve been seeing a lot of the inside of lately).

It is also about Earth harmonics, about (re)attuning with the vibration of Gaia, our mother, our planet. In order to reclaim/rebirth our world, we must be in alignment with her and with one another. She’s been the equivalent of a bad-ass master drummer, patiently waiting for the control-freak frontman to figure out the only way to create great music is to play in tune with her perfect rhythm... Pan's Garden reminds us that the tempo that flows in Nature's veins flows in ours too and it's easy- natural- to play in harmony.


‘Pan’s Garden’ Formula

    Reboot and Renew; clear connection with Higher Self and ability to rise above temporal circumstances; presence, clarity, perspective, self-care.
    * lake / naiad energy

    Spirit Medicine; rooted, present extrasensory awareness and deep communion with self/Source; grounds the spirit back into the body; elemental connection.
    * woodland / dryad energy

Star Flower and Gemstone Essences…

  • CALIFORNIA POPPY (Cup of Gold)
    Seek the gold within; valuing what’s really important, believing is seeing.
    * leprechaun energy

    I Am Gratitude; higher octave heart perception, recognition of blessings.
    * sunlight / meadow energy

  • NASTURTIUM (Spicy Vitality)
    Stir things up; passion, inspiration, focusing energy out of the mental body and into physicality, feelings and extrasensory delights.
    * fire elementals

    Rejuvenating and regenerating; childlike wonder and energy.
    * fairy energy

  • ORCHID IDA JAMESIORM OAKLEY (Light Codes of Unification)
    Source alignment; integrating and witnessing the miraculous; conscious expansion and emergence into higher dimensional reality from a still point of neutrality.
    * unicorn energy

  • ORCHID MAXILLARIA (Sacred Union)
    Oneness; transcendent connection, Divine sensuality.
    * nymph / satyr energy

    Reverence for life; verdant, wise, fecund, playful; connection to the natural world, spiritual amplifier.
    * Green Man / Woman

  • OXALIS (Early Bloomer)
    Awakening gracefully; remembering the purity of childhood, how to discern and trust inner wisdom and taste life for yourself (can help to filter out distractions and energetic disruptions/distortions).
    ​* guardian energy

    Nature’s nurturer; cleansing, hydrating- like standing in a mossy stream bed, cooling your feet; anti inflammatory / anti fungal / antiviral.
    * gnome energy

    Nature’s medicine; systematically restoring optimal function to every area of the body; alignment and harmony with the natural world; addresses seasonal allergies.
    * elven energy

    Nature’s catalyst; a tropical rainstorm, cleansing, quenching and offering fresh perspective; addresses immune system, detoxification.
    * jungle energy

    Sweet surrender; cyclical aspect of nature, trusting and allowing the changing seasons of life; being reverently present.
    * sacred valley energy

    Latitude and fluidity with oneself; addresses rigidity and self-repression, ascetic tendencies.
    ​* mountain stream energy

Detox Brew Essence
Golden Reality Essence
Keep It Cool Essence
Body Tonic Essence
Creative Conduit Essence